I Can Live In Peace
(* For the safety of the family, their names have been changed in this account of their story.*)
"My mom didn't want to raise me because I was a black sheep” shares Maria. At 13-years old she decided to leave Mexico City in fear of being sex trafficked.
After crossing the U.S. boarder illegally, Maria and her friend who journeyed together stayed with family in Bradenton, Florida. Through the years Maria has worked as a caterer, construction worker and a commercial cleaner. In times where she was desperate for money, she would go out to the nightclubs, flirt with men and eventually go home with them and sell her body. Through this form of work, Maria met several men, 3 of whom became the fathers of her three children: Diego, 13, Camila, 10, and Nina, 8. Nina’s father has caused the most destruction to the children and Maria. After meeting Nina’s father, Maria became a victim of domestic violence.
Maria, Diego, Camila and Nina live with Hector. The relationship between the Maria and Hector is purely based upon mutual benefits. In exchange for sex, Hector helps Maria pay bills. “there is no love in this house anymore” says Maria. Recently Maria welcomed Lucy, 31, and Zachary, 13, both non-citizens who came to the United States 6 months ago, into her home.
"When I was younger with babies I was afraid, [but now] I can live in peace" states Maria in regards to the current situation she and her children live in.
Maria hands out paper towels as napkins to her three children Diego, Camila and Nina at dinner table July 23, 2018, in Bradenton, FL. Hector, Zachery and Lucy also join the Maria and her children for dinner.
Zachary holds a soccer ball as Maria yells at her children for playing outside their home near a busy road July 23, 2018. Diego is not allowed to play with the other neighborhood boys because Maria is afraid he will end up in a gang.
Camila lays her head on the dining table looking at her mother with an empty plate while her brother and sister play July 17, 2018. It is 6:30 p.m. and the family will leave to go to work soon, but are waiting on Camila to finish her dinner.
Camila teaches Lucy english July 20, 2018. Lucy and her son Zachary know no english. .
Camila helps her mother clean an office holding pictures of the employee's children July 10, 2018. All three of Maria's children accompany her to clean her client's office twice a week over the summer. Diego helps her clean a third day every week.
Maria brushes Lucy’s hair to help her get ready for work at the nightclubs in Bradenton, FL, July 25, 2018. Lucy doesn’t have any other job yet so she must sell her body to provide income for her and Zachery.
Nina laughs after Camila pops a bubble in Nina's face from the gum Camila is chewing July 10, 2018, It pains Maria to look at her daughter Nina because the way she speaks and acts reminds Maria of Nina's father who abused Maria during their relationship.
Maria sits with her children on the couch in the living room watching T.V. after cleaning an office July 10, 2018. "I have to keep growing my kids in the right way" states Maria after speaking about the lack of parental figures she had in her life as a young girl.