Kansas City

A collection of images from my first 6 weeks at the Kansas City Star.


I spent Memorial Day feeling very grateful while on and off assignment for the Kansas City Star. Heading to Leavenworth National Cemetery in Kansas while off assignment, made Memorial Day mean something more as I walked rows and read names. I’m grateful for my friends and family who have served and for people like Benjamin Lahann, in this image on the bottom left, who remembers his great grandfather Bill Moyer while kneeling at his brick at the National WWI Museum and Memorial in Kansas City. Lahann is four weeks away from attending the United States Military Academy in Westpoint, New York.


Mystery author, Elizabeth Bunce of Lenexa is finding acclaim for “Premeditated Myrtle,” the first book in her new series. This spring she won the 2021 Edgar Award for best juvenile mystery.

My first assignment for the Kansas City star.


My family had gotten COVID from me working in January. We were lucky to not have any side effects. When I met Venus I was reminded that others weren’t so lucky.

Venus Griswold, wife of Michael Griswold, stands at the family home, Thursday, June 17, 2021, in Kansas City, Mo. The sign behind her hangs in her dining room celebrating their 10th year anniversary they spent together while he was in the hospital in March due to effects from COVID-19 before passing in May. “We all go through things and it’s all for a purpose and I’m just trying to understand what this particular purpose is” she shares. She wears the couple’s wedding bands on her fingers


Officers discuss and make calls after a shooting on 50th and Vista, Friday, June 25, 2021 in Kansas City, Kan.


Mike and Angelina French play their harmonicas together during a harmonica workshop as part of the Make Music Kansas City event on Monday at Lemonade Park in Kansas City. Over 70 free musical events were held across the city as Kansas City made its’ debut on Make Music Day, a world-wide celebration of music happening in over 1,000 cities in 120 countries.

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Sunset June 6 and 15, 2021, at the National World War I Museum and Memorial in Kansas City.


Maxeana, 8, relaxes in Smithville Lake at Little Platte Beach, Wednesday, June 16, 2021.


Kansas City loses to Washington Spirit, 1-2, Saturday, June 26, 2021 at Legends Field in Kansas City, Kan.

The Chicago Red Stars celebrate after scoring a goal on Kansas City, Wednesday, May 26, 2021 in Kansas City, Kan. Chicago won 2-0.


Kansas City Tenants gather at a rally outside the Gabriel Tower Apartments, Saturday, June 26, 2021 in Kansas City. Kansas City tenants and people gathered to listen to speakers and hear the People’s Housing Trust Fund proposal.

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An ATF officer makes a phone call while looking down in the basement at the remains of a man after an explosion that destroyed part of a duplex, Monday, June 28, 2021, on the 7500 block of Englewood Ave. in Raytown, Mo. Family and neighbors watched nearby as Police searched through the rubble the next day. It was declared that the explosion was caused by making illegal fireworks in the home. Of the family of four that lived there, a woman and child were injured and a man died.